It is bad enough that our Judiciary system is pathetically slow, and has an abysmal rate of conviction, and that too after a couple of decades has passed. We should be thankful that the understaffed, onerously slow moving judiciary finally manages to get someone convicted.
And once that happens the tamasha starts.
Of late, people have taken a vicarious pleasure in subverting the judgments of the Courts.

Same is the case with the release of the Juvenile convict who was released yesterday after serving his sentence in the Delhi Gang Rape case. I do agree that he should have got a longer punishment morally. But we need to abide by the law of the land. As usual there was lot of noise, with street protests against his release. This is absurd. Everyone knew he cannot he held back under the current law, and even if the law were to be changed, it cannot be applied retrospectively. If the protest is for ensuring the law to be changed in the future, it is fine. But the tone and tenor of the protests do not indicate that. They wanted Supreme Court to disregard the law of the land, and pass a verdict that is illegal. This is dangerous. Of late we are witnessing lynch mob mentality amongst Indians, encouraged by the media (for selfish ends of increasing their TRP ratings and to boost their relevance which is fast eroding), and this should be addressed and rectified at the earliest.
The laws are there for a reason. It may not be perfect. But as a democracy, we need to abide by the laws that are in existence and should not give space to those who try to subvert them for their personal opinion, personal ends or even political ends. Because, then it will lead to anarchy. We can't let it happen.