There are two basic types of change that are polar opposites: Radical change and Incremental change. There has been a surprising amount of debate over which kind of change is better, though the context is an Organization, and not a Country.
Some people promote the idea of innovation, or Radical change. Others, such as the proponents of Kaizen, believe that smaller, gradual improvements at regular intervals are better. People who believe in Radical change often think that Incremental change is too slow. Those that believe in Incremental change often believe that Radical change is too risky and isn’t sustainable.
Some people promote the idea of innovation, or Radical change. Others, such as the proponents of Kaizen, believe that smaller, gradual improvements at regular intervals are better. People who believe in Radical change often think that Incremental change is too slow. Those that believe in Incremental change often believe that Radical change is too risky and isn’t sustainable.
But what both sets of people accept is that Change is required and it should be for the better.
Unfortunately, in India, over the past few decades the Change has been for the worse. Honest people, who constitute 90% of the population, had seethed in anger at their Governments working only for the Corrupt and Anti nationals, and thinking of them only at the election time. Fake Currencies and Black money ruled roost. Land purchase became a dream for the common man, as the black money guys inflated the price many fold. Too much money was chasing too few goods, leading to double digit inflation. The honest tax payer got nothing in return and was resigned to cursing his fate.
Then came Modi in 2014, with a promise to change their lives drastically. He promised fight against black money, and extended hope that there will be development. He delivered a lot on the latter during the past 30 months - new roads, toilets, bank accounts for all, direct cash transfer scheme, lower inflation, overall digitalization, allowing self attestation of documents, better railways, and no corruption at higher levels. But it was not enough for the honest voter. He viewed it as Incremental Change and that was not why he voted Modi to power.
He bayed for Radical Change. He wanted Pakistan to be taught a lesson. He wanted black money to be eradicated from the system. He wanted a level playing field, and not scoffed at by the corrupt, rich and famous.
Time was running out for Modi. UP, Punjab elections are round the corner, followed by Gujarat and Karnataka elections. And then the 2019 General elections will be at the door steps.
During the past one month, he took on Pakistan, let the Army loose on them and started isolating them globally. The Voter was happy. This restored his pride as an Indian, but did not make any material difference to his day to day life.

The corrupt, including the media, cried hoarse. The bottom has gone out of their castles built on corrupt money. Pakistanis couldn't believe it. Their entire eco system created to destroy Indian economy through fake currencies, apart from funding terrorism, collapsed in one second.
But the Common Man cheered. This was the Radical Change he wanted. He knew he will have to face inconveniences for a few days, but it doesn't matter. This is for the greater good. Modi, bypassed all rogue media, and addressed the common man directly. He sought their co-operation. People listened to him, stood up and cheered, and then vowed to make this a success. They recognize leadership when they see it. They are patriots. They know it is for the country, it is for them, for their children and for the next generation. They were happy, as I was, that at last, at last, someone cared for the majority - the honest guys who always were at the receiving end all these years. And they did not miss the chance to gloat at the squirming of the distributors of fake currency and the hoarders of black money.
Even in the far off Muscat, their sound reverberated. I was in the Super market counter waiting for my turn. A low level malayali worker, was talking to the malayali cashier about the demonetization. His words summed up the situation perfectly
"I support this decision by PM wholeheartedly, because I am not a Rajya Drohi, I am a Rajya Snehi", and people around him concurred.
Never before has a PM of India done so much for our Country with this much Intent.
Let us be thankful for that, and take a moment off to pray for his long life.