There is far too much talk about Left Wingers and Right Wingers in India. Communists, Congress, 95% of Media, the so called 'Intellects' (who are nothing but) and 'Cultural Leaders' form the backbone of the Left Wing Ecology, while the Hindu supporters, BJP, the larger Hindu Parivar form the core of the Right Wingers.
This is a misnomer. We do not have genuine Left Wingers or Right Wingers in India. Anyone who knows Kerala Politics are aware of the Communist Government hobnobbing with Multi millionaires. They all have business interests with them, their children hold high positions in the so called 'Bourgeoisie' Companies owned by these Businessmen, mostly from the minority community who 'manage' the money looted by the leaders. Less said about Congress's commitment towards left ideology the better. The wealth amassed by the family and top leaders is an indicator of the lip service given by these crooks. The intellectuals and cultural leaders, media persons have enjoyed the privilege, foreign money and are wealthier beyond imagination. When it comes to personal wealth creation, which is against basic Leftist ideology, all of them are in the same boat.

Actually, both are Centric in their thinking.
I would rather categorize those involved into Hindu Wing (HW) and Chrislamist Wing (CW).
The CW comprises of the so called LW mentioned above. Their only aim is to block Hindus from asserting themselves and their identity. During the past few decades they have ensured the narrative is created favouring them, and have placed their people at the head of all Institutions, the Supreme Court being the prime example. They use the media effectively (though they have lost credibility completely), now control the social media like twitter and facebook (which ban the HW people indiscriminately at the drop of a hat), and are well funded by their Abrahamic Religion patrons overseas. They continuously attack everything that is Hindu.
The so called RW are the HW. They would like to uphold Hindu Traditions, at least push back the CW agenda, but are handicapped infrastructure wise. They have a lot of catching up to do. Years of anti hindu bashing of school books have led to a situation where todays children are bereft of any knowledge of the rich and powerful hindu culture.
The HR Ministry under Modi has seen some stand out pygmies making a mess of it. The need of the hour in the next Modi Government is to find someone like Nitin Gadkari, a doer, who will ramrod the cleansing process in a couple of years. We do not need incremental corrections, but all the books have to be trashed and completely rewritten. Even then it will take at least 20 years for the HW to change the mindset. Sanskrit should be made compulsory across the Country. English should be promoted as only an additional language required for International Communication with English speaking Countries alone. In any case the relevance of USA is diminishing, and UK is virtually no one in the Global Economic Scenario. We can make a beginning by getting out of Commonwealth and telling Britain, who are patronizing, to get off.
A systemic purging of our Institutions of the CW people should be a priority. Anyway Modi gets a bad name from these people, despite letting them carry out their agenda. Why not then turn the screw and put them in their place?
Till we do this, and create a sense of pride amongst the Hindus, the CW will hold the upper hand.
We need the Hindu Rashtra in all its Glory.