Friday 20 June 2008

Don't they deserve a kick in the Ass?

The Breaking News says it all.

The Inflation Figures in India for the week ending 7th June 2008 stands at 11.05%, the highest in 13 years.

It means the inflation figures have crossed the dreaded Lakhsman Rekha of 10% and is twice the comfort level of the Government target of 5.5%.

If ever there is a classic case of SNAFU, this is it.

When I was a young Sales Officer making my mark in Hindustan Petroleum Corporation, we used to have Sales Review Meetings regularly. Once, the then General Manager (South Zone), a soft spoken gentleman, told me how they evaluate the performance of the sales people.

"Son, we don't attach too much importance to the figures you people give, as we know you are geniuses at cooking up the sales figures. We know every sales area will have problems. What we look for are whether you are AWARE that a problem exists, have you APPLIED YOUR MIND to the problem on hand, do you have some SOLUTIONS and in short ARE YOU IN CONTROL OF THE SITUATION?. Well son, if you come short on any of those, we give you a kick in your ass"

Well, our genius trioka of Manmohan Singh, P Chidambaram and Montek Singh Ahulwalia fail to pass on any of those above criteria on managing the economy.

So don't you agree that they deserve a kick in the ass?


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