Tuesday 11 January 2011


Everyone who is anyone knew the Exchequer was being looted by the Telecom Minister for more than 3 years and gross impropriety was being committed. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING

The prestige of the Country was at stake when the ruling party politician in charge of Common Wealth Games was indulging in corruption and handling things incompetently. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

The prices of food items have gone up by nearly 100% in the past 3 years. Inflation is in double digits for nearly 18 months as per Whole Sale Price Index, and we are not even talking about Retail Prices. What do you do as the leader and supposedly a top economist? NOTHING.

The Minister responsible for Farmer Suicide, ruin of the Agriculture Sector, Foodgrains rotting, Scarcity of essential food items begged to be relieved of your portfolio 6 months ago. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

A major terror attack, which had the whole world supporting and grieving for you, happend 2 years ago and the finger clearly pointed to your neighbouring bully. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

There are many vacancies in the Council of Ministers for months together. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

1/4th of the Country is under the control of the Maoist. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

The Fiscal Deficit is spiralling and you are a 'top' economist. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

The Pariament is paralyzed for a whole session by the opposition and you, as the head of the Government, have the obligation to ensure smooth functioning of the Parliament. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

60% of the Country lives below the poverty line. You have an economic background. What do you as the leader? NOTHING.

A Corporate Lobbyist is caught with her pants down on a telephone tap which implicates many ministers, politicians and industrialists, apart from casting aspirations on your ministry formation. What do you do as the leader? NOTHING.

A................................................ bloody hell!! The list is endless. And the answer is always NOTHING or should be say 'NO'SINGH?


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