Saturday 23 July 2011

Lack of Pride as a Nation

The latest Mumbai blasts are already forgotten. This time we dont even have a clue as to who did it, there was no prior intel (In fact, has there ever been any prior intel? We never get any news of the police and IB busting a terror attack!!). The politicians made some perfunctory statements, the TVs carried the news for a couple of days, and then no one cares.

We don' value lives. The Government or the people don't feel that our national pride is dented when even a single person dies. Contrast this with what Israel does! They took on the Hezbullah just because 2 of their soldiers were caught by them. What happened in the war is immaterial. What is important is the message Israel sends out. Touch one of ours, and you are in for a fight. Ever wonder why Israel has not had a aeroplane hijack since Entebbe 1976? The message is loud and clear, and the recrimination swift. And damn international outrage.

Every country frames its policy based on self preservation, and preservation of the rights of its citizens. Look how US fought Pakistan tooth and nail to get their alleged CIA operative acquitted, look how Libya managed to get the Lockerbee bomber released, look how even Pakistan called the US Ambassador and gave him a demarche in the Fai Arrest. And contrast this with India's meek acquiescence everytime we are trampled on, be it terrorists, jehadis or even tiny nations like Bangladesh.

We shall regain our glory as a great nation, when we take a decision to stand up and be counted.

And that wont happen as long as the current government is at the helm.


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