Monday 2 April 2012

Of Snakes and Rascals

I am scared of Snakes. There is no specific reason for this. Maybe it is the fear of being bitten by a snake, or the mere revulsion I get when I see the slithery creatures, or it could be the numerous stories I read as a child, where the snakes were depicted as undesirable creatures (with the exception of a few like Ananthan, Vasuki).

But what about the Snakes in the Human form? The damage that a snake can do pales in comparison to what some human beings can do, like our politicians who loot us to such an extend that we are being slowly poisoned to death as individuals and as a country.

No wonder Chanakya wrote about this in Arthasasthra long long ago,

"Of a RASCAL and a SERPENT, the serpent is the better of the two, for he strikes only at the time he is destined to kill, while the former at every step"


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