Monday 29 February 2016

A Leaplilngs goals till the next birthday

Me, the Leapling can enjoy another birthday today!
After a gap of 4 years!
Last birthday, I blogged  "Surprisingly, this Birthday, I haven't made any plans for the next 4 years, nor have I set any personal goals.  I want to take life as it comes"
Looking back, I have to admit it was a mistake not to have a specific goal during the past 4 years.  I was in a sort of comfort zone and wanted to ease a bit after the turmoil of the 2008-2012 period and perhaps deferred a few things which I should have taken up in right earnest. At 52, time is at a premium for me.
One learns from mistakes.
This birthday, I have set three specific goals, two to be completed before the next birthday, and the third, a very ambitious one, and close to my heart to be achieved before my 2024 birthday, when I will turn 60.
I have code named them temporarily as,
  1. Thapovanam
  2. Karmabhoomi
  3. Shivalayam
May the Gods I pray everyday give me the strength, resources, and benevolent guidance during the next few years to enable me to make these projects a success


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