Saturday 8 December 2007

When was the last time...............................?

When was the last time you said with all your heart "Thank You"?

When was the last time you said to anyone" I appreciate what you have done for me"?

When was the last time you said " I love you" to your spouse?

When was the last time you called up your parents and said " I am what I am because of you, thanks. I love you"?

When was the last time you waited an extra second to let go a car in the traffic?

When was the last time you helped a Stranger?

When was the last time you went out of the way to help a colleague?

When was the last time you read a bed time story to your child or hugged him/her?

When was the last time you sat with your teen aged boy/girl and listened to his/her dreams?

When was the last time you appreciated your wife's cooking?

When was the last time you bought a surprise gift for anyone?

When was the last time you invited a guest for lunch or dinner?

When was the last time you took pains to teach someone something/anything?

When was the last time you spoke positively about someone?

When was the last time you went to visit an ailing acquaintance to cheer him/her up?


When was the last time you prayed thanking the God for what he has done rather than asking him what you want?

If you have not done ALL of the above during the course of the past one week, I feel sorry for you


LIFES LESSONS - A Poem by Rajan Venkateswaran   At Eight and Fifty  I learned to take baby steps again  For neuropathy had laid me down  Ma...