Wednesday 13 August 2008

Oh for a Maverick

Yesterday in the class a student asked me whether it is required of a good manager to be unconventional. Being a maverick myself, I tend to view with suspicion everything that is illogically conventional.

Mavericks can be a pain in the ass, especially in an organizational set up. They do things that shock others and could even cut the corners to get things done. But in reality, the best maverick managers make the world go round. They try to fit in square pegs in a round hole, and they do succeed in doing so. Without them many great companies and industries could not exist. At least they bring lot of sparkle in an otherwise staid organization.

In a way most of the great business leaders, and most certainly all important entrepreneurs, are mavericks, rule-breakers who disregard the herd and follow their gut feeling. None of these makers and shakers could ever be described as conformist. Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Rockefeller, Akio Morita, JRD Tata............. the list is endless. They dared to dream and followed the dream to its logical conclusion. World is a better place because of their unconventional thought process.

There is this story about Philip Knight of Nike who broke the norms by letting people make decisions, rather than rely on him. One simple method was not to answer their questions; or, if he did give an opinion, to reserve the right to change his mind, the next day if he wanted. By hiring the best people, mainly mavericks, and shifting them about the business, Knight was able to optimise the impact of his doubtless ability to inspire.

You will not achieve great breakthroughs through conventional means. The maverick qualities of nonconformity, imagination, independence, belligerence and divine dissatisfaction with the status quo are required. Mavericks are the harbingers of change. May they live long. The world will be a dull place without them.

(Statutory Warning: I am a maverick and non-conformist. Hence my views on the subject might be clouded a bit)


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