Sunday 13 December 2009

On a lighter note

With malice towards none and only in jest............................
Tiger Woods wanted to patch up with his wife Elin.
Tiger : "Elin dear..................................."
Elin : "You f**k off"
Tiger : "But............ that is precisely what I have been doing all these years. Then why are you upset with me?"
News item - Sreesanth is down with Swine Flu
You have to feel for him. When he tried his level best to be a A-grade Swine all these years, he didnt get the Flu. Now that he has become gentlemanly, he gets Swine Flu.
India's Supreme Court has asked the government to consider whether it might legalise prostitution
Hmmm....................... Is there a vested interest somewhere there? Maybe the Honorouble judges want to be on the 'right' side of the law all the time.


LIFES LESSONS - A Poem by Rajan Venkateswaran   At Eight and Fifty  I learned to take baby steps again  For neuropathy had laid me down  Ma...