Sunday 3 January 2010

Non Minister for Overseas Indians

Nearly 100 cases of attacks on Indians, mostly racial, were reported in Australia in 2009 as against 17 incidents of assaults in 2008.
But, now we have a death. 21 year old Nitin Garg, who was the first Indian to be attacked in 2010, succumbed to assault injuries.
Our Government has slept through the whole of 2009, like an Ostrich putting his head in the sand dune assuming things will righten by itself.
Will this death at least wake up our nincompoop ministers? We have a minister for overseas indians!! Why do we need him if he cant mount a campaign against Australian Government? We have enough economic leverage with Australians to make them crawl? When will we, as a nation, value the life of our citizens? Where is the national honour?
Our government has turned a nelson's eye to the maltreatment meted out to poor indian overseas workers in Gulf. Even Philippines have promulgated and implemented strict immigration laws and are insisting on minimum wages and an increase in wages every two years. And they have got away with it. But, India?


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