Tuesday 5 January 2010

Things that changed the way we live -1

Let us reflect back and look at some of the things that dramatically changed our life/lifestyle during the past decade.
The first has to be Internet. Though internet came into prominance in mid 90's, it really took off in the first decade of this century. With increase bandwidth, wireless technology and more applications, Internet is here to say. E-mails and messengers have revolutionised the way we communicate. It has changed the business environment. It transformed a seller dominant market to a buyer dominant market, with the information asymmetry shifting from the seller to the buyer. Today customers are more knowledgeable than the sellers, who cant keep track of their competing products. Decision making has become quicker in both personal life and in organizations. E mails also ensured the death of the snail mail system. E-Governance is the norm rather than the exception, and in the years to come every decision making/data will be more transparent and accessible to the public. Blogs enabled people to convey their thoughts and it provided a medium for the dormant literacy skills to come out into the open. Internet also made a vast difference to people who love social networking and removed the sexual taboos quite a bit. In short, it hastened the transformation to a knowledge society- to be continued


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