Thursday 3 November 2011

Need to recalibrate peoples expectations

With the demise of both capitalism and communism, world is desperately searching for a viable economic model.

But the question that remains is whether it is a case of these two models being flawed or like in most instances, it is the failure of the people who man the system. There is a saying that any system is only as good as the people who man it. While the power hunger of a chosen few land the repressive measures they adopted in their countries led to the demise of communism, sheer greed for money and the urge to grow rapidly led to capitalism being discredited. Both the models are great in principle, but both had utopian visions - a totally welfare state with no private enterprise where the resources belong to people and the wealth is equitably distributed is wonderful to dream about, but hardly practical to implement. The system needs someone to man it, and they took advantage. At the other end of the spectrum, no governmnent intervention and survival of the fittest is what any human being wants, but such a system lacks control mechanisms, that could and did lead to anarchy.

So, is mixeed economy the answer? I doubt, as it is at best a compromise and I dont believe in compromises.they dont ever produce the desired results.

Maybe, just maybe, the solution lies with reshaping the economy that currently depends on large business houses doing large scale production, to smaller business clusters that better use resources and ensures equitable distribution of benefits. But for that to happen, we need to manage the peoples expectations and retune their mind set away from thinking only in terms of economic growth as the only path to happiness, but rather to learn to live within means but be happy, as our grandparents were.


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