Friday 25 November 2011

I do not agree .................................

Why cant our MPs discuss matters of national importance like inflation, rupee depreciation, 2G scam, black money etc in a civilized manner inside the parliament. Government creating diversionary tactics or irritating the opposition with a non consequential issue and the opposition boycotting the proceedings or blocking the working of the House has become a rule than an exception.

It is not that our MPs are incapable of quality debate. One has to only witness the debate on lokpal bill and Anna Hazare last session to know how good they are at it, when they want to or more cynically, when they feel threatened.

Is it because we, as a nation, are intolerent to any any thoughts other than ours. Just switch on any national english news channel program that debates current issues. It is a slanging fest, sans any rules or valid points. He or she who shouts loudest gets more air time. Just contrast this with any debate on BBC, and you will know what I mean.

This intolerence has led to the creation of a generation of people who just wouldnt listen to others. This needs to be corrected at school level. Kids should be encouraged to debate, taught to argue logically and educated in the art of disagreeing to agree, without losing their composure and decorum.

After all, did not Voltaire say that "I do not agree with what you you have to say, but I Will defend to the death, your right to say it"


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