Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Guru Devo Maheswara:
Guru Sakshath Parabrahma
Thasmai Sree Guruve Namaha:
In our Culture, we give utmost importance and respect to the Guru.
We have always advocated that one should have 'Guruthwam'. The belief is that for one to get the benefit of any knowledge or skill, he or she should have the whole hearted blessings of the Guru. Without it, he or she may possess the skill, but will not be able to deploy it effectively.
Guru is not a mere teacher. He is much more than that. He is a Teacher, Friend, Philosopher and Guide, who passes on knowledge accumulated over generations to the student.
His own father Jamadagni was the Guru of Parasurama. When his father asked him to cut his mother Renukas head, for a mental indiscretion, Parasurama did not hesitate for a moment. But he atoned for killing his mother by asking Jamadagni to restore her life, which was done.
Contrast this with Karnan. He lied his way to become the student of Parasurama, who, on becoming aware of his true identity, cursed him that his skills will fail him when he needed most. Thus, Karnan, despite being a much better skilled Archer than Arjunan, had to die, for his skills did not stand him in good stead during Kurukshetra War.

Probably because knowledge obtained without proper guidance can lead to improper usage which can be dangerous.
But, after all these years, while I can understand the curse on Karna, as he tried to learn through Subterfuge, I still cannot accept the young Nishada boy being incapacitated, to be heard of no more.
Education is also supposed to develop humility in the students. A story unknown to many is reiterated here. Hanuman, who was blessed by all the Gods when he was a child, went in search of a suitable Guru, and zeroed in on Sage Thrinabindu. But the Sage refused citing he was a Vanara, and a Vanara acquiring education, in his opinion, was of no use to anyone. A dejected Hanuman remembered that Surya Bhagavan had given a word to his father, Vayudevan, that he will be responsible for the education of Hanuman when the time comes. Promptly Hanuman met Surya Bhagavan at sunrise and reminded him of his word to his father. Surya Bhagavan agreed to teach him everything, on the condition that Hanuman has to learn everything in one day, and that too before Sunset. Hanuman agreed and learned from the Gurumukham of Surya Bhagavan, by facing him and walking backwards while Surya Bhagavan undertook his journey around the Earth. All in one day.
Having acquired the knowledge, Hanuman meets Sage Thrinabindu and bragged how he got a better teacher than him. It was then that the Sage cursed him that he will be unaware of his knowledge and strength till someone tells him. Lack of humility led to this situation, even to Hanuman.

Having acquired the knowledge, Hanuman meets Sage Thrinabindu and bragged how he got a better teacher than him. It was then that the Sage cursed him that he will be unaware of his knowledge and strength till someone tells him. Lack of humility led to this situation, even to Hanuman.
Years have rolled on. Today there are hardly any Gurus, not even Teachers, only Information imparters, who lacks the dedication, the tapasya, and the knowledge required of a Guru.
This is reflected in the quality and mindset of Students these days. They have no respect for anyone, leave alone their Teachers.
We have degraded our Education system to such an extend that we are creating a Generation of 'Kurutham Kettavars' which actually means 'Guruthwam Kettavar' or those who are not blessed with Guruthwam.
Is there any wonder the moral values of the society are going down day by day?