Tuesday 8 September 2015

Astrology and Newton's Law of Gravity - Interesting

I was reading the Force of Gravity between two objects on a Science Text Book, where it was mentioned that

Fgravity  is directly proportional to the Product of Their Masses and Inversely Proportional to the Square of the Distance between them

F = G*(M1M2/D*D), where G is the Gravitational Constant
It set me thinking.
Can we extend this principle to our Astrology, which is based on the impact of each planet on us (who lives in Earth) or rather their Gravitational Attractions and Mass?

Guru / Sukran Rahu
Ketu Maandi Chandran

We know that Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Mars, Mercury - in that order, has the influence in descending order on our life as per our Astrology.
I did some research and my findings are as follows, which is astonishing to say the least. The Mass of Each Planet is in the First Column, and the Distance in AU (1 AU = Distance from Sun to Earth = 149,600,000 Kms) in the second column, and their Force of Gravity on the last. I leave it to you to wonder at the wisdom of our Forefathers. Also this explains why they did not take into consideration the impact of Uranus and Neptune (Many a Skeptic of Astrology has raised this query saying our Solar System has 7 planets other than Earth (Pluto excluded) but our Astrological chart don't take into account Uranus and Neptune). It is also clear why we attach so much importance to the movement of Sun, Moon and mainly Jupiter.

Mass 1021 Kg Distance in AU D2 F=KM1M2/D2
Sun 1,988,550,000 1 1 11,878,802,280,000
Moon 74 0.00257 0.0000066049 66,474,829,293
Jupiter 1,898,600 4.2 17.64 642,940,871
Venus 4,868 0.28 0.0784 370,911,796
Saturn 568,460 8.52 72.5904 46,779,638
Mars 641 0.52 0.2704 14,160,790
Mercury 330 0.61 0.3721 5,297,737
Uranus 86,832 18.21 331.6041 1,564,214
Netptune 102,430 29.09 846.2281 723,063
Earth 5,973


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