Contrary to what many Management Professionals/Students think, 'Peter's Principle' is actually a 'wicked satire' and not based on any solid research.
Peters Principle claimed to find the root cause of Manager Incompetence that lead to Organizations underperforming. It states that 'Everyone in an Organization keeps on getting promoted until they reach their level of incompetence'. At that point they stop getting further promoted or are 'parked'. This principle stuck a chord with many employees who were wondering why their Managers were so incompetent and dumb, and hence insufferable.
A classic example is that of a Salesman, who was especially good at meeting targets. He had the skills for his current job, but not the one for the job of a Sales Manager. On being promoted to the Sales Managers job, he ended up a disaster. It happened to me early in my career as a Sales Officer handling Coimbatore (S) Sales Area for Hindustan Petroleum Corporation. My new Regional Manager had been a Sales Officer of my Sales Area once and that too for 15 long years when HPCL was still ESSO. He allowed all the dealers direct access to him, and started giving them benefits like Subsidies, Tankages, New Dispensing units etc bypassing me. He was stationed in Cochin, about 180 kms away. I had a Mechanic who repaired the Dispensing units under me, and most of our units were old and broke down often. Those were the days when Petrol Pumps had only one or maximum two dispensing units. A break down means total stoppage of sales. The dealers would call me up and register breakdown details and I am to depute the mechanic. Peeved at being bypassed, I directed the Dealers to call the Regional Manager when their pump broke down. A furious Regional Manager called me up to give me a dressing down for diverting Dealer Complaints to him. With a straight face I told him that since he was anyway doing the job of a Sales Officer in all other aspects, he might as well take up pump maintenance. He raved and ranted, but my immediate Supervisor the Sales Manager, supported me and asked the Regional Manager to back off. He never forgave me for that, and waited for an opportunity to hit back, but since I had a reputation of being a good Sales Officer, known for honesty and integrity, he couldn't do much, though he did try his best. This was a classic case of the Regional Manager, who was a good Sales Man, getting promoted till he reached his level of incompetence. None of his actions were Managerial in nature, and he remained a Sales Man at heart till he retired.
Once you reach the level of incompetence, you tend to be judged not by your output, as it should be, and as it was till then, but by trivial things like your input - how punctual you are, how less is your travel bills, how you don't take any risks (and that is because you are afraid to take any risks) etc. And for some strange reason, you wont get fired. This is because the 'competent' subordinates work around you to cover up for the Division, as their own existence is in danger. So the incompetent manager gets some collateral benefit. No one gets sacked for being 'normal incompetent'. One gets sacked only if he or she is 'super incompetent'. It is more likely that the 'Super Competent' employee gets fired more often, as he tends to make these incompetents silly or he just gets tired of propping up his boss all the time without being rewarded and throws in all away.
Super Competent people make others uneasy as it shows them up for what they are. It is why Narendra Modi is hated so much as an Administrator and a Politician. He makes the ilks of Sonia, Rahul, Lalu, Nitish, Advani, Kerjariwal look like fools, and they hate him for it.
And Peters Principle? We have numerous examples of politicians reaching their level of incompetence.
A classic case is Aravind Kejariwal. He was probably good as an agitator. But everyone thought he will be a good Chief Minister and gave him a resounding majority. But he never grew up and has now risen to his level of incompetence, and is an utter disaster.

We have seen this with many Cricket players, who are good at IPL or First Class level, but are found totally wanting at the International level. Badrinath, Yousuf Pathan. Saurabh Tiwari, Dhawal Kulkarni are just a few names from Indian Cricket of recent times that comes to mind.
There are exceptions to even Peters Principle.
Where do we slot someone like Rahul Gandhi? At least for Peters Principle to come into force, the guy has to have done well in lower level jobs. But in the case of Rahul Gandhi, he has not done well in anything? Even Peter would have been baffled to slot him!!!