Tuesday 20 November 2007

Future of School Education?

This is the last and concluding part of the series of articles on School Education.

Let us to some crystal ball gazing and see what the future holds for our children?

  • Home learning through computers and Internet
  • Technology based training
  • Instructor less training
  • Access to live audio – visual lectures through video conferencing
  • International syllabus
  • Global Virtual School and students of different nationalities attending the same class and interacting through net
  • International certification
  • Flexible class timings
  • Online assessment

Sounds absurd? Mark my words. This is going to happen sooner rather than later.

This model however does not take into account the development of Inter personal and group behaviours. This, dear parents, is your responsibility.

Buy him the latest computer with Intel 25 processor with 100 GHz clock speed, 10000 GB HDD and 1000GB RAM (remember we are in the future) and load Windows Omega operating system (Microsoft and Intel will still be there making our life more and more complicated in the guise of making them simpler)
But also spend some quality time with your children
Hug them
Treat them like your friend
Take them out
Share their joy and grief
Give them freedom
Give them space to move about
Stand apart and watch them grow into responsible human beings
Identify role models in the society and amongst your friends
Encourage them to share their thoughts with your children and their friends
Do not miss a single opportunity to spend time with children whether they are yours or not
Share your knowledge
Gently prod your children to spend time with others of his/her age group
Make them play any team game on a regular basis
Allow them to take decisions concerning their life
Encourage them to accept criticism
Identify their areas of interests and push them gently to excel in what they do best
You can start doing it even now

“ When your children are young, give them Roots
When they are old enough to fly, give them Wings”


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