Sunday 4 November 2007

Zurich Axioms

I happen to come across Zurich Axioms sometime in the 1990's and I want to share with you the wisdom of The Zurich Axioms, which were originally given to the world by Max Gunther in his book of the same title in 1985.

Immediately after World War II, a group of Swiss bankers and businessmen set out to make money by investing in everything from stocks to real estate, commodities to currency. They did make money. A great deal of money. And are still doing it. They are considered to be the cleverest investors and bankers. Max Gunther put their investment philosophy as a collection of Axioms or Rules. You can be a winner at the money game if you play by the Zurich Axioms.

Axiom 1
ON RISK : Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough.

Axiom 2
ON GREED: Always take your profit too soon

Axiom 3
ON HOPE: When the ship starts to sink, don't pray. Jump.

Axiom 4
ON FORECASTS: Human behavior cannot be predicted. Distrust anyone who claims to know the future, however dimly.

Axiom 5
ON PATTERNS: Chaos is not dangerous until it begins to look orderly.

Axiom 6
ON MOBILITY: Avoid putting down roots. They impede motion

Axiom 7
ON INTUITION: A hunch can be trusted if it can be explained

Axiom 8
ON RELIGION AND THE OCCULT : It is unlikely that God's plan for the universe includes making you rich.

Axiom 9
ON OPTIMISM AND PESSIMISM : Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst.. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.

Axiom 10
ON CONSENSUS: Disregard the majority opinion. It is probably wrong.

Axiom 11
ON STUBBORNNESS: If it doesn't pay off the first time, forget it.

Axiom 12
ON PLANNING: Long-range plans engender the dangerous belief that the future is under control. It is important never to take your own long-range plans,or other people's, seriously.

Read this blog for detailed interpretation of each of the above in the days to come


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