Sunday 22 March 2009

Brahmin Traits for a Board Director

It is often said that one has to be a Brahmin to become a Director of a Company and it is desirable to have a Kshatriya as the Chief Executive Officer.

No. I am not being casteist. It is one thing to be a Brahmin by Birth and quite another thing to be a Brahmin by Karma. A Brahmin is one striving for Brahmajnana and he should have certain qualities. Let us see whether these qualities are relevant to a Board Director,

§ Kshama (Calmness)
§ Dama (Self-control and restraint)
§ Tapasya ( Self discipline and single mindedness)
§ Shaucha (Mental purity)
§ Kshama (Forgiveness, patience, and forbearance)
§ Arjava (Sstraight forwardness, honesty, and rectitude)
§ Jnana (Knowledge about Business and its philosophy)
§ Vijnana (Higher knowledge, beyond mere theoretical knowledge. Understanding the true meaning of doing the Business and the responsibility that goes with it)

“Tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, forgiveness, and uprightness, knowledge, wisdom, and faith in God are the duties of the brahmins, born of their innate nature.”–Bhagavad Gita 18:42


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