Thursday 2 December 2010

Time to rethink our Model of Governance

Is it time to rethink our system of Governance?

The big brother Central Government and the many not so big brother State Government Model is clearly not working. What it has created is power centres, power brokers, corruption of unimaginable scale and total break down of Governance. There is too much power vested in too few people. The Government is definitely pro big business at the expense of the poor, who get a say in the Governance only once in 5 years when they have to make a hobson's choice between tweedle dee and tweedle dum.

Maybe the time has come to have a serious look at the Gandhian Model of Development, where the village is the primary unit. The resounding success of micro finance in bettering the life of the rural poor is a vindication of this model.

A panel that looks into how India managed itself in ancient times, as depicted in Artha Sasthra and other well documented chronicles, and adapting them to suit modern requirements could be a starting point.

We can take the lead, as even the champions of Globalization, the Developed West, are looking inward these days. The days of a single global market is over. Likewise, the concept of a universal development of India under a Central Control need to be given the heave-ho.


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