Thursday 18 December 2008

Issues that are relevant

Our politicians have a knack of raking up inconsequential issues to the forefront to divert attention from the real issues that needs urgent treatment.

If you look at 2008 the issues that were on the forefront were,

Nuclear Deal
Kashmir agitation against land alloted to the temple for building temporary shelters to freezing pilgrims
Meena Agitation demanding OBC Quota
Mumbai Terror attack
Sensex crash

None of these have any importance to the common man. You might howl in protest by saying that the Mumbai blast is of relevance. But would the Mumbai blast have received so much attention if the attacked locations were not where rich and mighty frequent.

The issues that cries for attention from the lawmakers are to list a few,

Primary Education
Primary Health Facility and improvement in the services of the District Government Hospitals.
Microfinance infrastructure to help improve rural credit
Dismantling of Food Corporation of India godowns, immediate opening up of the agriculture procurement to the market forces
Steps to initiate the next green revolution
Developing a rural marketing infrastructure
Expanding the concept of e-choupals to more areas
Tackling naxal threats that has allowed a parallel government to run in 232 districts of the country.
Improvement of rural roads
Availability of pottable water to all
Basic Sanitation facility to all - Nearly 40% live without proper sanitation facilities
Basic law and order. It is alright to go for a central agency to tackle terrorism. But the common man has absolutely no faith in our Police department. This needs to change
Improvement in the functioning of the judiciary. Well using the word 'functioning' is a misnormer. Our judiciary just doesnt function. People are afraid to approach the courts for fear of getting entangled for decades. This has to change. Justice has to be swift.
Population control
Creation of a nationwide small savings scheme to mobilize rural savings

I can go on and on.....................................

But have you noticed something? When was the last time you heard any politician or policy maker talking about any of the above?


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