Saturday 13 June 2009


Everyone wants their day to be good. People do believe that the first thing they see in the morning has a profound influence on the day ahead. It is this faith that has people setting up 'Vishukkani' on the first day of the year. I had written about Vishukkani in an earlier post on April 14th.
Even in western countries people talk about 'getting out on the right side of the bed'.
It is not possible to choose everyday what one would like to see first in the morning in this era of global travel. But there is a simple alternative. Before you open your eyes, hold both the hands together and open the palms in front of your eyes and view it first in the morning. I am sure you would have seen many people do this, but why do they do this. As is the normal case, not many know. If you ask them, they will just say 'it brings luck'.
The real reason can be found here,
'Karaagre vasathe Lakshmi
Karamadhye Saraswathi
Karamoole thu Govinda
Prabhathe Karadarsanam'
Translated it means that Goddess of prosperity Lakshmi resides in the tips of the hand, Goddess of knowledge/learning Saraswathi in the middle and the God who protects Mahavishnu (Govindan) at the base of the hand. Hence, looking at your hands in the morning is akin to saluting the trio. In short you are acknowledging that you need money, knowledge and divine help (protection) for your day to be successful.
More logically, looking at your own hands in the morning helps you to focus, remember the gods, have faith in your abilities, reminds you to do good things which will result in good tidings during the day.


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