Tuesday 21 July 2009

Hit, Kill and Run

A spoiled brat of an Arms dealer who was under the influence of alcohol and drugs, drove a BMW in Delhi in 1999 recklessly and mowed down 6 pedestrians, including 3 policemen on the pavement. Then he did not stop, drove away and using his servants systemmatically destroyed the evidence of the accident (one should call it murder).

The case came to trial. The defendant systemmatically influenced the witnesses and even the prosecution lawyer by bribing huge amount of money which was caught on camera.

Then what happened?

Well almost nothing!! The High Court gave the least possible punishment after 10 years, that too 24 months (the guy had already spent 22 months in jail. how convenient!).

The honourable court said, it was just 'an accident' and not a 'homicide'. No problems if he ran away, destroyed evidence or even bribed witnesses.

There used to be a saying in Kerala long ago, "If you have Rs 1000 and the lawyer ullooran (i dont remember the exact name) you can commit any murder"

In today's world, if you have lakhs of Rupees and social contacts, you can buy even the judiciary and walk away scot free.

What a fall for our country!!!


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