Sunday 19 July 2009

There are proverbs, and then there are proverbs

Proverbs are supposed to be unquestioned wisdom, passed down from generation to generation. But some of these proverbs contradict each other, confusing the readers;

While we say 'Actions speak louder than words', how do we justify 'the pen is mightier than the sword'?

We are told to 'Look before you leap', but at the same time we are cautioned that 'He who hesitates is lost'. Confusing eh?

'Cloth makes a man' contradicts 'Don't judge a book by its cover'.

Did we think that this anachronism will change with time? Then "The only thing constant is change" , while in the same breath we say "The more things change, the more they stay the same".

If you thought it is getting bigger, you might be tempted to say "The bigger, the better", but I contradict it with "The best things come in small packages".

Let us 'Cross our bridges when we come to them'. Oh! how about 'Forewarned is forearmed'.

Totally confused I thought it better to be silent for, 'A silent man is a wise one'. Then I remembered 'A man without words is a man without thoughts'.

I give up!!!!


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