Saturday, 31 October 2009
Undeserving martyrdom foisted
Friday, 30 October 2009
This means this coach will not be accessible to Indians. Mahatma Gandhi, who prefered to be thrown out of a First Class compartment in South Africa, to move to a third class one meant for blacks and Indians, must be turning in his grave. This is demeaning to all Indians.
While no one disputes the necessity to improve tourism, having an exclusive coach for 'White coloured caucasians' is the ultimate way of insulting the indians. This comes from a mindset that Indians do not deserve anything that is good, even if he has the money, but that the best of this country should be made available to the White Sahibs. This, being suggested, by a committe comprising of Indians, funded by the Indian Railways, which in turn is funded by the Common man, is disgraceful to say the least.
With people like these committee member working for the Government, is it any wonder India as a nation is not respected in the International circles?
Thursday, 29 October 2009
Deem(Doom)ed Universities
Round up
Monday, 26 October 2009
Maths made easy
For example,
If you want to find the square of 65, you can employ the Ekadhikena Purvena sutra ("By one more than the one before").
The rule says since the first digit is 6 and the second one is 5, you will first have to multiply 6 and (6 +1), that is 6 X 7, which is equal to 42.
Then multiply 5 with 5, which is 25.
Hey Presto! The answer is 4225.
Now, you can try this method to find the squares of all numbers ending with 5.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Troubled Economy
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Chalta Hai Syndrome?
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
24x7 insufferable news channels
The 24 hour news channels from India are pathetic. Some of the Regional Channels are pretty good, but the English News Channels are horrible. All of them are funded by foreigners, have a specific agenda, twists the news to suit their agenda, are extremely biased and at the best of times concentrates of trivia. The anchors screech and scream (just listen to Burkha Dutt of NDTV - Insufferable), the reporters on the ground mouth inanities and more often than not news is based on available visuals rather than the other way around. Worse still, Indian channels must of the only ones in the World where they keep on repeating a 10 second visual 6 times during the course of a one minute news clip, which can be so irritating to the viewer. Then, there is the 'Breaking News'. The concept of Breaking News is to alert the viewers as to a major news story developing that the viewer needs to be aware of immediately. But, for our news editors anything ranging from a stray dog getting run over in Delhi, to Sanjay Dutt being taken to court to Manmohan Singh opening the toilet door is Breaking News. Finally, note the kid glove treatment meted out to Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi. Hardly, one negative word is uttered against them. How many of you know that Priyanka Gandhi's Father-in-law (Robert Vaderas father) committed suicide 6 months back? Channels that splash Aarushi murder case for days on never bothered to even mention this.
Recently, I read this hilarious take on how NDTV will report,............................. well, let it be a suspense. Read for yourself by clicking the following link,
Monday, 19 October 2009
Sins cannot be undone
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Were they really the 'Good Old Days"
"Such sentiments are misleading,'' says the liberal philosopher A C Grayling, "because they promise a belief that somewhere or sometime the world had something which has since been lost -- a cosy, chintzy, afternoon-teatime era when there was neither danger without nor unease within. But when we begin rummaging among these myths to provide solutions to present-day troubles, which is what moralisers do, we are in trouble indeed.''
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Friday, 16 October 2009
How politicians make money
Here is the case of the sale of 2G spectrum by the Telecom Ministry, headed by DMKs A M Raja, one of the most corrupt ministers. His and his party's take in this deal. A paltry few Thousand Crore Indian Rupees.
- Department of Telecom (DoT) gives licences without Cabinet approving the first-come-first-served condition
- Licences were granted in 2008 at a rate fixed in 2001
- The cut-off date was dubiously revised from October 1 to September 25
- Real estate companies like Swan and Unitech are the major beneficiaries
- Swan got licence for Rs 1,537 cr and within weeks offloaded 45 per cent of its shares to UAE-based Etisalat for Rs 4,500 cr
- Unitech got licence for Rs 1,650 cr. Within weeks, it also offloaded 60 per cent of shares to Norwegian Telenor for Rs 6,200 cr.
- As Telenor is operating in Pakistan and Bangaldesh, the Home Ministry raised objections
- Raja had arm-twisted BSNL to enter into an unprecedented Intra-Circle Roaming Agreement with Swan. This was done just a few days before the Etisalat deal. This deal with BSNL helped Swan to boost its share price
The in-house investigation by the Chief Vigilance Commissioner (CVC) had pinpointed “malafide motives and blatant corruption” by Raja’s own men — former Telecom Secretary Siddharth Behura, former Private Secretary RK Chandolia (currently Economic Adviser to DoT) and DDG of Access Service AK Srivastava — in the dubious spectrum allocation, resulting in a loss of more than Rs 60,000 crore to the public exchequer, said sources.
Despite the allegations against Raja, and despite the PM not wanting him in the Cabinet, Karunanidhi put his put down and arm twisted Sonia to include him in the same Ministry. Within 24 hours of Raja’s second entry in Telecom, Delhi High Court slammed the spectrum allocation and observed that “spectrum was sold like cinema tickets”.
But no one is indicted and no one will be punished. People get away if they have the political backing.
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Utterly inexplicable
The very purpose of having EVM's is to facilitate easier counting. In fact, for Assembly elections, the counting can be done in less than 2 hours, including the counting of Postal Ballots.
I can't for the life of me understand the logic behind Election Commission defering the Counting of Votes till the 22nd of October.
Apart from defeating the very purpose of having EVMs, this gives credence to the suspicions of EVM's being manupulated to suit Congress, as raised by many concerned people.
The hilarious thing is that, in 1970' and 80's, when paper ballot were used, the results used to be announced not more than 48 hours after the final vote is cast. And counting paper ballot is so cumbersome.
Utterly inexplicable!
Monday, 12 October 2009
Need for inclusive development
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Mr.President, you have been awarded the Nobel Farce Prize

"Let us cut the crap. Tell me what do I have to do after accepting the award?"
"Yes, Mr.President. Also, the Award comes with a Medal , Citation............................"
Friday, 9 October 2009
Tiger ................say cheese
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Add to your vocabulary
Paradox - an apparent contradiction which may nevertheless be true. Example
"Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again." The paradox here is that normally one doesnt associate older people to read fairy tales, but it is true that one has to go back to reading fairy tales at a later stage in life to really understand the meaning hidden in it.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Wisdom in cooking
Sunday, 4 October 2009
The Vadakara-Olavakkod journey took 5 hours. The No.1 Mangalore mail was powered by the Steam Locomotive. There were two types of steam locomotives. The more powerful one with a pointed nose and a star on its nose (my hero)

and the other one which had a round frontage, which I contemptuously called the flat one, for I hated it.

Looking back now, perhaps it is the power that was associated with these engines that attracted me to them and maybe I liked the Star Engine because it was aesthetically pleasing.
Anyway, the very infrequent trips to Kollengode were the highpoints of my life. I shall look out of the second class window, craning my neck to get a glimpse of the engine when the train takes a turn. I watched with awe at the huge puffs of black smoke that the Engine belched. It didnt matter that I was covered with soot nor did it matter that I got coal dust on my eyes. All it mattered was I was travelling, absorbing the scenic beauty of the Bharathappuzha (river Bharathappuzha) banks. The beautiful lush green paddy fields, the fine sand on the river banks, the cool breeze, the cold dhal vada you get on the railway platform.
Those were the days of single line traffic. I watched with interest the skill at which the train driver hooked the big 'Chavi' containing the clearance for him to travel upto the next station. The train will be whizzing past a small station where it doesnt halt. At the beginning of the platform, the train driver will throw down the 'big key shaped thing (almost the 3 ft in length) containing the steel ball that indicates the line being blocked firmly inside a leather pouch in the key. And the Assistant Station Master will be holding up the Chavi vertically so that the train driver can hook his arm on the chavi head and take it inside, all when the train was travelling at 80 kms per hour.
I groaned when the signal indicated us to stop, for I always wanted my train to be never late, dont ask me why. It was a question of my pride. And I used to look out for the train from the opposite direction when we have stopped to allow it to cross.
My father taught me how to calculate the speed of the train from the telephone posts on the side that had markings of the distance from chennai on every post with even the fraction of a kilometer mentions as 334/2, 334/4 etc. All I had to do was to check how many seconds it took for my train to move from 334.0 to 335.0. If it had taken 40 sec, then the train was travelling at 90kms per hour (figure it out how for yourself).
Shoranur Railway Station had a loco shed. I could see tens of Engines there doing shunting. Also there was a well with a bridge that was used to turn these monsters around. The steam engine had to be turned around unlike the Diesel or Electric locomotives that can be driven forward and back with equal felicity. What they do is to drive the Steam Engine to a well that had a bridge containing rails as diameter (the size of the engine). Then they turn this bridge 180 degrees, so that the Engine now is turned around fully and can be driven away.
At Shornur, father will take me close to the engine so that I can have a look at the furnace burning brightly with the engine drivers shovelling coal to build up the steam. I also watched in awe at the huge water pipes at the top that dumped thousands of gallons of water into the engine. For me, it was a beautiful monster that I just loved.
At Olavakkod, we got down and went to Platform one to take the Pollachi Passenger, which in my opinion was the pits as it stopped on all the stations, and was run by the flat engine on metre gauge. I would have become a black monkey from all the soot by then.
But it didnt matter one bit, for I had travelled by the then modern day miracle, the train powered by my favourite, the Star nosed Engine!!!
With time, the steam locomotives that kept a young kids dream alive ( I wanted to become a steam locomotive driver) were phased out with initially Diesel Locomotive and later with Electric Engines. Southern Railway was the first to phase out all steam locomotives for more efficiency and to ensure less pollution. And I cried. I was a grown up young man by then. But I still felt lot of sadness, which I still carry with me.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Where does your and mine taxes go?
Friday, 2 October 2009
Why can't we leave him in peace?
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Of Bamboo Curtains and Shining Bottoms
Laughable but understandable to some extend. But not this,
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