Monday 19 October 2009

Sins cannot be undone

How does one feel when one realises after nearly 3 decades that one misjudged a person and his/her intentions all these years. It dawned on me yesterday that I have been unfair to my Aunt and her family all these years, had such a negative opinion about them that I used to look upon them as enemies of my family.
With a sickening feeling, I realised that I was totally in the wrong. Can I make amends for my poor behaviour towards them? I guess I can't. It is far too late to show remorse. Maybe it isn't as they are well into their old age and I can still take corrective action.
Oh God! I have been blind all these years. Why did you not open my eyes earlier?
"Sins cannot be undone, only forgiven.” - Will I get forgiveness? I doubt


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