Monday 24 May 2010

The sphinx mumbles today

This can happen only in India.

The elected Prime Minister (well, not quite, as MMS is an MP by virtue of his being elected indirectly through the Rajya Sabha) has not had a Press Conference for 4 years - that's is right!! Manmohan Singh will address a press conference today and field questions (and you can be sure that most of the questions will be soft ones thrown at him by friendly journalists) after a gap of four years - that is almost one term of his tenure. And to think that we are one of the emerging economies. During the 4 years since his last press conference, there has been a Global Financial Crisis, Indian economy has hit the cross roads, there has been a debatable nuclear bill signed, major terror attack in Mumbai and elsewhere, the inflation has hit the roof, gaffes on the foreign policy front, large scale corruption of thousands of crores - and our sphinx like 'economist' Prime Minister has not bothered to handle questions from the journalists and public even once. So much for our democratic values and accountability! The same goes for his Party President and de facto Prime Minister Sonia Gandhi and the heir apparent Rahul Gandhi. Do any one of us know, or do we ask, what the political, economical philosophy of these three who virtually rule the country? - the answer is an emphatic NO.
What we have today in our country is Authority without Responsibility. And that, any management professional knows, is a sure recipe for disaster.


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