Friday 28 May 2010

Ways of Worship - 6

VANDANAM is the sixth way of worship.

It is also the simplest. It is not person, place or method dependant.

Doing Namaskaram, bowing the head in silence,folding the hands, saluting the guru, parents, elders, learned, guests all come under vandana.

The most popular method is to say 'Namaste', which is formed by two words; 'te' meaning 'you' and 'namah' which can be any one of 'to bend, bow, incline or stoop'. In effect, one is submitting to the other in all humility, be it god or more knowledgable elders. The folded hands also allows for the energy, wisdom in the other person to be channelised into you. If you have ever watched a Indian classical dance performance, you would have noticed that the dancer says namaste first holding the hand well above the head first, then in front of her forehead and finally in front of her chest. The first is a salutation to the God, the second to the Guru and the third to the Audience.


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