Saturday 2 October 2010

Oman vs Kuwait

Have been keeping my eyes open on my arrival in Muscat. There are quite a few differences between Kuwait and Oman.

In Kuwait, there are hardly any vehicles with manual transmission (except some 18 pick ups). In Oman, a substantial number of the medium sized sedans come with a manual transmission.

Kuwait is littered with high end cars and SUV's. Oman looks a poorer cousin, with more mid sized sedans than large expensive cars on the road.

Omani's actually stop their car to let a pedestrian cross the road, something unseen when a Kuwaiti is driving.

There are many many bookshops in Muscat, unlike Kuwait, which pleases me no end.

2 Temples - One Shiva temple and One Krishna temple, as against none in Kuwait. Also, one can see the common sight of hindus sporting kumkum, vibhoothi and sandalwood paste on their forehead.

The bakalas that dot the landscape of Kuwait is conspicuous by their absence in Oman. One is dependent on mini super markets and hyper markets for groceries.

The Country is littered with Educational Institutions/ training centres and health clinics, unlike Kuwait.

Alternate medicine like Ayurveda and Homeopathy is allowed in Oman, whereas it is banned in Kuwait.

Hardly any skyscrapers dot the skyline in Oman. The town has a flat architecture dotted by arid mountains.

Oman is less hot, more humid and not at all dusty, unlike Kuwait.


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