Tuesday 29 March 2011

Quack, quack.....................

Indian PM Manmohan Singh and Pakistan PM Gilani are meeting at Mohali. This is how the conversation is likely to be,

MMS : Gilani. quack quack quack
Gilani : MMS, quack quack
MMS: The weather is quack quack .........
Gilani: I hope Pak players dont fix quack quack.......

and thus the 'quacks' went on and on.

No I am not crazy!

How else would two LAME DUCK PRIME MINISTERS sound when they talk?

The actual power centres in India and Pakistan are Sonia and Army Chief Kayani respectively.  These two lame ducks need to take their bosses permission even to piss. Then what is the use of them meeting at Mohali?


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